Ok, thanks a lot Massimo, looking forward to that.

I am looking for web2py developers with a strong side on UI (I am not
particular about any specific jQuery, ajax or whatnot). Please contact
me if you are interested and I will send you information so that you
can provide a Quotation for the project.

The project already has the main structure done, and it would require
fully developing the UI, optimizing changing some bits of the logic,
and adding a couple new functions. (I am the developer, and the code
is commented, so I can answer to any questions that might arise).

The timeframe for developement would be starting end of next week or
so, and finishing by the end of this month, or middle of next month at
the latest. (Just saying in case you have these months already
compromised), although I do not think it would require all that time
as a Full Time project.

The project is an analysis tool for home-automated buildings. Allowing
end-user to visualize charts, and compare historicals etc.

Please contact me for further information.


On Feb 12, 3:44 pm, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> It is correct to post here but I will also post an app for that.
> On Feb 12, 4:51 am, Benigno <bca...@albendas.com> wrote:
> > Is there any set place to look for web2py developers?.
> > Is it correct to post a project offer here?.
> > Else, where should those be sent to?.
> > Of course there is elance and the like, but I'd rather go through
> > people I "see" everyday in posts and that I somehow feel that we share
> > a community rather than post it elsewhere cold and numb.
> > Thank you,
> > Benigno.

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