On Feb 5, 2010, at 4:40 PM, mdipierro wrote:

> On Feb 5, 4:24 pm, Jonathan Lundell <jlund...@pobox.com> wrote:
>> A couple of SQLFORM-related questions.
>> 1. I'd like a wider string input field, and I'm not sure how to get it. 
>> Unless there's an easier way, I was thinking I'd extend the string widget to 
>> embed a size & maxlength. The manual mentions widget extension, but there's 
>> no example (only an example of writing a new one).
>> So: how to extend the string widget? And how to invoke the existing string 
>> widget from FIELD with size/maxlength attributes? (And is there yet another 
>> method I'm overlooking?)
> in css
> #table_field {
>   width: 400px;
> }

Well, yeah, but that's semantically different from setting size/maxlength on a 
text field. Can I pass the attributes to INPUT somehow?

And how do you extend an existing widget?

>> 2. I have a table with a user ID, writable=False. In the SQLFORM, I'd like 
>> to display it as the user's name or email address instead of the bare ID. 
>> How?
> This should be automatica if the referenced table has a format
> attribute. Else set something like

I don't find "format attribute" in the manual. Should I be looking for 
something else?

> db.referenced_table.id.represent=lambda id: db.referenced_table.
> [id].name

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