Great idea!

I agree with selecta on 2.1.
To have examples and comments would be the most valuable part IMHO.
Documentation can be found today, even if it is spread around. But the
big difference would be if people could contribute with examples and
comments close to the documentation. That would make it much faster to
find relevant information.

/ jonas

On Feb 5, 6:22 pm, selecta <> wrote:
> 1) ok, i got the book, but 2 resources are better then one, people
> explain differently so it will help to have a second source
> 2.0) love the idea :) exactly my thought ....,
> also i would split the docstring into multiple sections:
> a) (short) description,
> b) explanations of input and output variables (epydoc syntax)
> c) unit-tests
> 2.1) i would extend the docstring wiki by an example/comments part
> below the wiki page that will not be merged with the code because e.g.
> a validator would be hard to understand with just a docstring
> On Feb 5, 6:04 pm, mdipierro <> wrote:
> > > > 2) integrate the above with a small web2py app that turns web2py
> > > > docstrings into wiki pages. When users edit the wiki, the docstrings
> > > > get updated, and I get a patch.
> > > Interesting thought. I'm slightly skeptical (about editing docstrings 
> > > outside the context of the source code itself, and about doctests), but 
> > > at the very least the underlying goal is great: a way to quickly edit 
> > > docstrings without going through a formal patch process.
> > The way it would work is that a program moves docstring from gluon to
> > wiki. People edit the wiki with versioning. I can review them and have
> > a mechanism to automatically put them back.
> > I yet do not know how to implement the last step. It would help if I
> > could find example of code that automatically replaces some text ('a'-
> > >'b') inside all docstrings. It would help me build the app.

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