On Feb 4, 2010, at 7:34 AM, mdipierro wrote:

> Mind that currently zero='' should be interpreted as zero='(please
> choose a value)'. the value '' is not in the db and will not pass
> validation. It s just a place holder. Only if
> IS_NULL_OR(IS_IN_DB(...zero='')) then the value '' can pass
> validation.

Right, and it's a very useful mode. I think I see (vaguely) the source of the 

zero='' is the most natural behavior for many (most?) forms, from a UI logic 
point of view.

zero=None is the most natural logic from the POV of data access: it gives us 
the list that actually is in the set/db, and nothing more.

I don't think that either flavor of naturalness is "most natural". Which is why 
I don't care that much how it goes; I'll probably adopt a practice of coding it 
explicitly regardless. So you can count me as neutral if you like.

BTW, an off-topic question: is there a straightforward way to prepopulate a 
form with an existing database row? I know, I should RTFM....

> On Feb 4, 9:25 am, Jonathan Lundell <jlund...@pobox.com> wrote:
>> On Feb 4, 2010, at 7:08 AM, mdipierro wrote:
>>> I do not really have an opinion on this. I am only reluctant to
>>> changes in behavior.
>>> Anyway, I am prepared to make this change (zero=None by default). I
>>> would like to know that all major contributors are on board so that
>>> you can answer the emails when users complain instead of me. ;-)
>>> Anybody who has an opinion about this should post here or email me
>>> personally.
>> I prefer zero=None as the default, on the grounds that it seems more logical 
>> for the default case to not include items that aren't actually in the 
>> database. Least surprise.
>> OTOH, it's not a high priority for me, since it's easy enough to override 
>> either way.
>>> Executive Summery:
>>> There is a proposal to default IS_IN_SET(zero=None) and
>>> IS_IN_DB(zero=None) so that dropdown select option NO LONGER will have
>>> a default black option. Currently, by default, when you create a new
>>> record the blank option is selected and, if you do not change it and
>>> if you do not allow IS_NULL, you get an error message. With the
>>> proposed change, when you create a new record all select/options will
>>> - by default - select the first alphabetical value unless you change
>>> it.
> -- 
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