I do not believe this is a web2py issue anyway try
these three tests:

1) Open a normal pyhton shell and use

import smtplib
server = smtplib.SMTP("localhost",25)
server.sendmail('f...@example.com', ['y...@example.com'], 'hi there')

2) Open a web2py shell do the same as a bove

3) Open a web2py shell and do:

from gluon.tools import Mail
mail.send(to=['y...@example.com'],message='hi there')

which ones work?

On Feb 4, 12:40 am, weheh <richard_gor...@verizon.net> wrote:
> Yes, I have implemented queuing mechanisms. The issue here is that
> web2py isn't sending any email. In tmy example above, I'm actually
> sending only a single email ... to me ... for testing purposes, not
> production. Bottom line, I'm not getting any email and none is being
> sent. I looked at the email logs. I know for a fact that the server is
> configured properly to send email, since I have another (non-web2py)
> app sending emails successfully all the time. So I'm trying to figure
> out how to get web2py to send my email message.

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