I have my nifty little autocomplete working thanks to your gracious help
but I have one more issue to resolve....
It seems that searchs with öäå don't work.  I think it has to do with
how I send the data to the server so let me show you my search page:
I can't send the äåö in the url so how could I send it another way with

def possible_paints():
return dict(paints=paints)
Weird how my email is formating... but that's it...
It takes the q in my url...
I send the request with that... and I wonder if it looses the formating
at that point?
For example if I search for naturgrå firebug tells me that I made a
request for 1=naturgr%C3%A5
But if I go to that address with firefox I get naturgrå
Weird eh?
Best Regards,
Jason Brower

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