You can view a proposed change, I have sent this to Massimo to look at.

I'm not sure what keywords we really want to use or not, but this is a
starting point.

I added two lists to BaseAdapter global. KEYWORDS_ALL and KEYWORDS_COMMON.

My thought is that no tablename or column name should pass through
KEYWORDS_COMMON, then KEYWORDS_ALL can be used to check integration
with other database types. So if it is in KEYWORDS_ALL just log a

Then each adapter will have their own set of reserved words that will
be stored in a list named KEYWORDS. So a tablename or column name will
fail if it is in either KEYWORDS_COMMON or KEYWORDS, and will send a
warning if it is in KEYWORDS_ALL.

I think this could go into as just fail on KEYWORDS_COMMON and
warn on KEYWORDS_ALL, and then the new dal will break it down by
database specifics.

What do you think?

It is then just one more step to add to DAL.__init__ a
target_sql_dialect which will use the KEYWORDS of the target adapter
so that you can catch these early on.

I have tested the patch in my system and its actually caught a
handfull of naming no-nos.


On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 2:43 PM, Jonathan Lundell <> wrote:
> e check that used the union of all the keywo

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