
so, are we able to write a documentation on web2py?

On Jan 28, 5:30 pm, mdipierro <> wrote:
> In the Django world there are books (for sale) and there are other
> forms of documentations (html, etc).
> Nobody prevents you to write any documentation you like.
> My job is write the book and I will concentrate on it. That is how can
> justify the time I spend on web2py.
> Massimo
> On Jan 28, 6:49 am, pistacchio <> wrote:
> > On Jan 28, 12:48 pm, Richard <> wrote:
> > > This was brought up previously and the main obstacle (IIRC) is Massimo
> > > needs publications to justify working on web2py for his university.
> > > Hopefully a compromise can be reached.
> > if this is the reason (and it is indeed a valid one), than nobody
> > would keep us from having both a pdf and a html version. to start off,
> > the internet version could a reorganization / htmlized version of the
> > pdf, than we can expand it with examples, cross references, and keep
> > it up to date with the changes made in various revisions. the
> > university pdf, on the other hand, could expand and be kept updated
> > with the material from the html version. my 2 cents.

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