2009/12/9 Thadeus Burgess <thade...@thadeusb.com>:
> Is there something wrong with the following?
> results = db(db.table.field == searchvar)(db.table.field2 ==
> searchvar2).select()
> results.export_to_csv(outputfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"',
> qouting=csv.QOUTE_MINIMAL, represent=False)

I would like to give the user a choice to download the results shown
on the screen to a csv-file - much like appadmin do.

My problem is that I still do not understand enough on how to handle
the relation between the original controller, the view, and the
csv-controller in this case.

Once the table data (SQLTABLE) is on the screen and there is a link to
download it to a csv-file, I want the user to be able to choose a
filename download the data using a link in the view.

In the book there is an example of a view (say default/example.csv)
that looks like this:

 import cStringIO
 response.write(stream.getvalue(), escape=False)

But I don't know how to use it.

I am also not sure how to use your example as above.  I have tried
this controller

def csv():
    import gluon.contenttype
    response.headers['Content-Type'] = \
                                        delimiter = ',',
                                        quotechar = '"',
                                        quoting = csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL,
                                        represent = False)

And this in the view?

{{extend 'layout.html'}}

as csv file")}}</a>
                               represent = False)

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