On Jan 25, 2:32 am, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> I should add that the original Django Proxy also did caching of the
> pages. The one I send you did not. Is this the functionality you need?
> It could be added easily adding
> if request.env.request_method=='GET':
>     proxy=cache(request.env.path_info,cache.disk,3600)(proxy)

I was confused by this technique at first.

The __call__ function of the Cache global class instance, cache, is
shown used as a decorator on page 113 of the web2py manual (2nd ed).

@cache cannot be used before def proxy since the use of a cache is
conditional on what the request method is (namely GET).

The above usage is just an alternative that modifiies the already
defined proxy function on a per request basis.

John Heenan

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