On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 4:57 PM, Stefan <stefan.louis.no...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Thanks for the heads up!
> On Jan 20, 10:09 am, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> > The way the web normally works is that requests are initiated by the
> > client, not by the server.
> >
> > To have the server trigger and action in the client without some kind
> > of timed keepalive signal from the client requires having a web server
> > embedded in the javascript of the page or using something called Comet
> > (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comet_%28programming%29)
> >
> > None of these solutions is too easy.  think a JS keepalive is the
> > simpler solution.
> >

Hi Stefan,

What you are looking for is definitively a push to the client (a.k.a. comet,
HTTP server push, etc.). But in the end it really boils down to how strong
is your requisite of having the data pushed to the client.

In my opinion there's some hipe associated with this. It also really
impresses people :-) But, either realtime is really critical (which is not
very common with web-based apps), or if it isn't, then it can be delegated
to the user the responsability of fetching new data. This again depends on
the app. Actually not even most desktop apps have records updated when
someone other client changes a record(s) on the server. This also poses
questions about record locking and data integrity.

Are decisions being made at the second, or is it necessary to make sure that
the latest data is also a part of the analysis? This second criteria is not
really asking for Comet. Also, are users leaving the page open for a long
time or are they querying the server when they need the data? Are there many
users changing the same data at the same time? Is there a period of time
that can be established for the validity of client data? That is when does
client data become sour? If you can establish such a period, then you can
have the page periodically check the server, or even simpler, just
displaying a pop-up with a button when the period expires.

Perhaps you can get along without comet, or perhaps you really need it.
Anyway, if someone comes up with some general comet like solution to web2py,
then it would be a nice plug-in or something.
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