I am trying to sanitise data from different sources programatically.
The following function is part of my effort:

def artikel(datum,ti,wod_id,publ_id,di):
    titel = ti.strip().upper()
    if db(db.artikel.titel == titel).count() < 1:     #  Is titel
already in database?
        artikel_id = db.artikel.insert(titel = titel,
                                       publikasie_id = publ_id,
                                       wos_id = wos_id,
                                       datum = datum,
                                       id_nr = di.strip().upper()) #
insert if not.
    else: # get the id if it is already there
                artikel_id = db(db.artikel.titel == titel).select()[0].id

It tries to determine whether there is already such a value for
'titel'.  If it is not already there, insert the record, else get the

But this function fails at the line after "else:"  with:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/js/web2py/gluon/sql.py", line 2987, in select
    return self.parse(db,rows,self.colnames)
  File "/home/js/web2py/gluon/sql.py", line 3034, in parse
ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack

What is the best way of doing this?

Should I create a unique index on field "titel" and then insert with a
"try  ... except" ?

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