It works for me.  Here is my user function:

def user():
    submit = form.element("input",_type="submit")
    submit["_type"] = "image"
    submit["_src"] = URL(...)
    return dict(form=form)

On Jan 10, 3:11 am, Frank <> wrote:
> thanks ,mr.freeze,
> the method you provide request customized form with SQLFORM.factory.
> what  about the default auth form just like login, register, password forms?
> those forms use {{=form}}. can we still use method "form.element" to change
> submit button to image button? I try it but failed.
> by the way, how to internationatinalize the change password form? I can do it 
> by
> using T method for other forms, but can not translate the change password 
> form.
> I'm sure there  should be better way.
> Frank
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