aha! Good point. This is one of the problems we had to solve when
designing web2py.

When web2py creates a form, it stores two hidden fields into it:
_formname and _formkey. If a form is submitted it contains _formname.
accepts perform validation only in this case. If a field does not pass
validation an error message is generated and inserted in the form
HTML. _formkey is used only if you pass "session" to accepts. It
associates a unique key with the form and it is used to make sure to
prevent double submission and associated vulnerability.

On Jan 5, 10:14 pm, Christopher Helck <christopher.he...@gmail.com>
> I can not understand form.accepts(). I think it's because my intuitive
> understanding of web2py is wrong. Here's how I think it works:
> A simple controller function ( index() say) can return a string in which
> case web2py will simply serve it up as a web page.
> The same function can return a dictionary, in whcih case web2py takes the
> dictionary, finds a corresponding view file, merges them together using
> token replacement and serves the resulting string as a web page.
> So, when I see a controller method looking something like:
> def show():
>    form = SQLFORM(...)
>    if form.accepts(request.vars, session):
>       ...
> I'm reading it as: create a form, and if the user's input (request.vars) is
> valid then process the input. My problem is that the form has not been
> served up to the user, so how can we have the user's input?
> Obviously I am confused. Any help would be appreciated.
> Regards,
> C. Helck
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