Here is my confusion....

If your going to use an editor on your local computer.... why are you
going to even bother with using web2py to view the files... If your
already going to have Explorer/Nautilus/<insert file browser here> you
can just double click the files and edit them...

There would be no way for you to use an external editor to edit files
that are located on a server (unless your using ssh in a fuseFS)...

In any case, I just don't see any logical reason to use the web2py
admin as a filebrowser... nautilus/explorer does an excellent job of
this already.

Of course, you could create a mimetype... but that would require users
to "open link with application", and then that application would need
to know how to interpret said mimetype.

I guess the problem is... I don't see the "reason" for this...


On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 12:40 PM,  <> wrote:
> pretty much what It's All Text does for you.  When active, it
> presents a little (edit) button at the edge of the current <textarea>
> widget.  Click it and it fires up the editor you've configured.  That can be
> as plain (think "xterm ed") or fancy (think vim, X/Emacs or other editor
> with all the syntax highlighting they brin
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