Massimo I think the username is not an email, is just the standard way 
of accessing url with basic auth, isn't it?
http://  username : password @ domain : port / uri


El 30/12/2009 15:25, mdipierro escribió:
> That probably will not work since it is not what was designed for.
> I am not sure why it did not work thou.
> If the username is the email, did you escape it?
> On Dec 30, 1:16 am, David Marko<>  wrote:
>> I simply tried to call the method with URLcontaining the username/
>> password. e.g. tttp://username:p...@localhost:8080/....  . Its just
>> internal call so its fine that username/pwd is in URL. I simply tried
>> this in browser, but login form apeared instead.
>> David
>> On Dec 29, 10:25 pm, mdipierro<>  wrote:
>>> The allow basic login allows you to call functions that
>>> @auth.requires_login() by passing the credential using basic auth for
>>> example call the url using wget and curl.
>>> How are you using it?
>>> On Dec 29, 2:59 pm, David Marko<>  wrote:
>>>> How the settings 'auth.settings.allow_basic_login = True' is supposed
>>>> to work? I tried to login to protected method('....@auth.requires_login
>>>> ()') via basic auth, but was not succesfull. Is there some additional
>>>> setting for protected methods or '....@auth.requires_login()'' is simply
>>>> used for both auth ? Can someone explain please?
>>>> David
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Alejandro Fanjul Fdez.


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