element and elements take any combination of args and keywords and
cycle through the form components looking for match(es)

form.element('input',_type='text')# grabs the first text input
form.elements('input',_type='text')# grabs all text inputs

form.elements('input','textarea') # grabs all inputs and textareas

On Dec 15, 2:02 pm, waTR <r...@devshell.org> wrote:
> Is there a definition of all possible arguments for form.element and
> some examples somewhere?
> I am mainly looking to use it with SQLForm and factory().
> Specifically, I want to create a form with SQLForm & factory, and then
> modify some of the elements to be things other than text boxes, i.e.
> to change some to drop-downs with some choices, and others to radio
> buttons, etc.
> Is the above possible? And with what element argument?


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