I am looking to create a user preferences + change password page.

The page will list the user details i.e. name, email, etc. in input
boxes (pre-filled with the info from the db). I want to be able to
select which fields it decides to show, however, I don't want it to
just spit out the whole DB table.

I also need to be able to insert my own custom fields and do
validation on those fields before the data is queried to the DB, but
after the user has clicked "SUBMIT". The form will need to have a set
of current password, new pass 1, and new pass 2 input boxes. I want to
validate to ensure new pass 1 == new pass 2, and that new pass 1 & 2 !
= current pass, and that current pass IS_IN_DB.

Can this be done using form.custom to select specifically what values
to print, and what values to send back to the form and insert
completely new fields not found in the DB and validate those fields

I want to be able to process the form and apply various IS_EXPR, and
other helpers on it before querying the DB with the new info.

I have looked in these places and have not found clear documentation
of all the options of sqlform.custom:
- http://web2py.com/AlterEgo/default/show/205
- Ch 7.7 Custom Forms in manual
- New cookbook

Those sources provide only a brief look at some basic functionality
and some basic elements of sqlform.custom.

I am also unable to find the source code for these custom.* methods
anywhere in epydocs (which makes it even more difficult).

Is it even possible to do what I described above using the
sqlform.custom facility? Or will I have to manually create all the
forms using html/helpers (FORM(), TR(), etc)?



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