I've been trying for the past weeks to access web2py@googlegroups.com but 
failed to connect when I clicked Groups at Google.com. The error displayed is 
Network Timeout. I googled but didn't find any solution. Tried searching email 
address of Google groups to address this concern but never found any. Please 
help. Thanks in advance.

--- On Thu, 11/26/09, web2py@googlegroups.com <web2py@googlegroups.com> wrote:

From: web2py@googlegroups.com <web2py@googlegroups.com>
Subject: [web2py:0] Abridged summary of web2py@googlegroups.com - 43 Messages  
in 17 Topics
To: "Abridged Recipients" <web2py+dig...@googlegroups.com>
Date: Thursday, November 26, 2009, 8:46 PM

  Today's Topic Summary
Group: http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/topics

Routes [5 Updates]
expire login when browser closes [1 Update]
url rewriting bug in rewrite.py still not fixed [3 Updates]
Export/Import problem [5 Updates]
how i got web2py woking with mod_proxy on ubuntu [2 Updates]
[web2py:36016] Re: Don't you love it when editors mess up? [1 Update]
web2py 1.73.1 is OUT for testing [1 Update]
[web2py:35928] Re: Markdown problem [2 Updates]
IS_DATE validation not working [3 Updates]
SQL Query with Case Statement... [2 Updates]
Complex SQL Query - Left Out Join With A Third table... [2 Updates]
Data grids in Web2py [2 Updates]
bad image and word Validator [7 Updates]
Crashing on Updating to 1.72.3 [2 Updates]
possible ? WYSIWYG editor with integrated image upload [1 Update]
Help with frames [2 Updates]
[web2py:36017] forms [2 Updates]

   Topic: Routes

    kbochert <kboch...@copper.net> Nov 26 09:21AM -0800


      As a new user to web2py, I am trying to get routes.py to work.

Nothing I put into web2py/routes.py has any effect.





    Yarko Tymciurak <resultsinsoftw...@gmail.com> Nov 26 10:02AM -0800


      routes.py is read when web2py starts - be sure to re-start whatever

server you are using (or restart web2py, if you are using the builting




    Wikus van de Merwe <dupakrop...@googlemail.com> Nov 26 10:02AM -0800


      Well, first, you don't need a comma after bracket, when there is only

one rule there.

Second, routes are only processed once when the server is first time

started. Are you restarting your app

    mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> Nov 26 10:36AM -0800


      technically you can reload routes without restarting. From the admin

web based shell


from gluon.rewrite improt *



On Nov 26, 12:02 pm, Yarko Tymciurak <resultsinsoftw...@gmail.com>

    kbochert <kboch...@copper.net> Nov 26 11:05AM -0800


      > > server).



A line in routes.py like

   x = 6/0

does indeed produce a divide by zero error when web2py starts.



The routes:




   Topic: expire login when browser closes

    vince <lapcc...@gmail.com> Nov 26 10:54AM -0800


      it will expire when browser close on firefox/safari. however, if you

just close the tab the session won't expire. is there any workaround

for this problem?






   Topic: url rewriting bug in rewrite.py still not fixed

    Wikus van de Merwe <dupakrop...@googlemail.com> Nov 26 09:55AM -0800


      Sorry for advertising the bug here, but as I've noticed that the list

gets 10 times more attention than the issue tracker. Some time ago

I've filled a bug against rewrite.py and its routing rules

    mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> Nov 26 10:34AM -0800


      oops. sorry about that. I did not get the email notification from

google code.

I will take a look later today or tomorrow.




On Nov 26, 11:55 am, Wikus van de Merwe

    mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> Nov 26 10:47AM -0800


      I do not understand. Could you provide an example of path that is

wrongly mapped. You say patch that "do not start with / are wrongly

rewritten". Technically paths that do not start with / are not


   Topic: Export/Import problem

    vvk <varunk.ap...@gmail.com> Nov 26 07:11AM -0800


      I've created database and wrote controllers without using UUID's.

While exporting and importing databases, I'm facing these problems


i)  record id's are getting changed while importing and my

    mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> Nov 26 08:34AM -0800


      You do not need uuid unless you want to import records that you

already have and want to replace them.


If you use



db.table1.import_from_csv_file(ifile1, id_map=id_map)

    vvk <varunk.ap...@gmail.com> Nov 26 10:11AM -0800


      I tried these:


Exported into csv file from appadmin interface three tables:

auth_user, allot, product

with allot(auth_user_id, product_id) having id's of user and product


Then tried to import

    vvk <varunk.ap...@gmail.com> Nov 26 10:16AM -0800


      I tried:


Exported to csv file from appadmin interface, tables auth_user,

product, allot with allot table having id references of auth_user and




    mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> Nov 26 10:39AM -0800


      Not sure I understand. Do you get broken references?


Are you exporting the entire db? and you importing over the existing

db or a clean db?


Have you tried exporting and importing the entire db?


   Topic: how i got web2py woking with mod_proxy on ubuntu

    selecta <gr...@delarue-berlin.de> Nov 26 06:35AM -0800


      i have a apache server running which i wanted to show my web2py apps

that are running on the provided server under port 8000

so that i can call

http://localhost/myapp/ <- thats the apache server

    mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> Nov 26 10:33AM -0800


      Thank you for the suggestion.




   Topic: [web2py:36016] Re: Don't you love it when editors mess up?

    Thadeus Burgess <thade...@thadeusb.com> Nov 26 10:53AM -0600


      Actually, it should be self.settings.table_even.


However somehow export_to_csv got stuck in there, and is in SVN trunk.


I think at some point Massimo had export_to_csv in his copy/paste and


   Topic: web2py 1.73.1 is OUT for testing

    mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> Nov 26 06:08AM -0800






Please let me know if you


   Topic: [web2py:35928] Re: Markdown problem

    Johann Spies <johann.sp...@gmail.com> Nov 26 03:13PM +0200


      2009/11/24 mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu>:


I am testing with "<h2>Post a comment</h2>":


> When you do WIKI(....,safe_mode='escape') is default. Try with

> safe_mode=None or safe_mode=True.

    mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> Nov 26 05:46AM -0800


      I took a second look.


>>> WIKI('this <b>is</b> a test').xml()

'<p>this &lt;b&gt;is&lt;/b&gt; a test</p>\n'

>>> WIKI('this <b>is</b> a test',safe_mode=True).xml()


   Topic: IS_DATE validation not working

    Johann Spies <johann.sp...@gmail.com> Nov 26 02:56PM +0200


      In my db.py I have this as part of the auth_table:


Field('birthdate', 'date',requires = IS_DATE(format=T('%Y-%m-%d'),

error_message=T('must be YYYY-MM-DD!'))),


However, when a non-date is

    vvk <varunk.ap...@gmail.com> Nov 26 05:26AM -0800


      I faced a similar issue once.


Write "requires" separately as

db.dbname.fieldname.requires = [IS_DATE(error_message = "Must be YYYY-






    mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> Nov 26 05:37AM -0800


      haha. You found a bug. I just fixed it in trunk. For now just use this




Field('birthdate', 'date',requires = IS_DATE(format=str(T('%Y-%m-

%d')),error_message=str(T('must be


   Topic: SQL Query with Case Statement...

    Yannick <ytchatch...@gmail.com> Nov 26 04:53AM -0800


      Hello Mate,


I just double check in the book and the documentation resources

because I was wondering how to actually create a DAL query that

include "Case" statement ?

Like let's say I have an

    mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> Nov 26 05:27AM -0800


      You cannot but you can try this:



"CASE WHEN  salary <= 2000 THEN 'PoorOne' END AS salary_level",



let us know if it works.




   Topic: Complex SQL Query - Left Out Join With A Third table...

    Yannick <ytchatch...@gmail.com> Nov 26 04:42AM -0800


      Thanks Massimo,

I just wonder, I do know that is possible to see the SQL Query by

using _select()... I was wondering if there opposite operation ? Like

if is possible to write the SQL query and see

    mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> Nov 26 05:24AM -0800


      Sorry no.




   Topic: Data grids in Web2py

    David <digitalcry...@gmail.com> Nov 26 03:45AM -0800


      Do we have a data grid widget in web2py?  If not, are there any plans

to include this in the future?


I'm currently building them manually with web2py, which works, but

I've seen dataTables and it

    mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> Nov 26 05:23AM -0800






uses datatables. The source is posted on applicances





   Topic: bad image and word Validator

    mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> Nov 26 01:51AM -0800


      If you can find a list of bad french words (singular and plural), I

cam modify the validator to be extensible.



    Doxaliber <salingro...@gmail.com> Nov 26 02:21AM -0800


      Mi experience with spam on blogs and cms engine is that 70% of spam


are in english, 10-15% in chinese, 10% in russian and only the

remaining 5%

is written in my own language.

    Doxaliber <salingro...@gmail.com> Nov 26 02:21AM -0800


      Mi experience with spam on blogs and cms engine is that 70% of spam


are in english, 10-15% in chinese, 10% in russian and only the

remaining 5%

is written in my own language.

    Doxaliber <salingro...@gmail.com> Nov 26 02:24AM -0800


      Or we could implement akismet for python... :-)




    mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> Nov 26 03:09AM -0800


      This is written in python too and the complete source is available:






    Doxaliber <salingro...@gmail.com> Nov 26 03:24AM -0800


      Great. An open source solution is always better for me. :-)

We could create a plugin to use this filter for comments and

other user generated contents.



    mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> Nov 26 05:21AM -0800


      It would be a nice app.




   Topic: Crashing on Updating to 1.72.3

    yamandu <yamandu.co...@gmail.com> Nov 26 03:12AM -0800


      The problem when I update is that was not possible to see the error.

I got ticket screen but the link always led to another ticket screen.

So I think there was a problem under my app too.



    mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> Nov 26 05:21AM -0800


      Please try again. When you get the first ticket click on it. If you

get another ticket


locate the corresponding ticket file applciations/<app>/errors/<id>

and email it to me.



   Topic: possible ? WYSIWYG editor with integrated image upload

    David <digitalcry...@gmail.com> Nov 26 03:36AM -0800


      Mr Romero's been holding out on the goods it seems.


This something I need as well.  A simple tutorial and app example on

web2py slices would be most excellent.


Thank you for the work Jon!



   Topic: Help with frames

    Lydia Manikonda <lydia.maniko...@gmail.com> Nov 26 12:48AM -0800


      Something like breaking a particular page in to some frames.


Like in html we normally mention like for example:




<TITLE>A simple frameset document</TITLE>


    mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> Nov 26 01:35AM -0800


      In the templates (which we call views) you can put any HTML you like.

You can put the HTML of your example without any change.


Anyway, as a more general advice, you should use frames if the


   Topic: [web2py:36017] forms

    Simo <scommes...@gmail.com> Nov 26 09:41AM +0100


      You cant custum your form. this is one example a use.



_href=URL(r=request,c=request.controller, f='category',


    mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> Nov 26 01:31AM -0800


      Yes. One way to do it is





(gender field will be render with select dropbox).

You can embed it in



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