I personally don't agree with using javascript to set properties like
that. I remove these lines from web2py_ajax.html:


Then use custom widgets or just set the properties if the form
elements directly:

form = SQLFORM(...)
txt = form.elements("textarea",_class="text")
for t in txt:
    t['_cols'] = 10

Or with a widget:

def textarea_factory(**attr):
    def fn(f,v):
        return SQLFORM.widgets.text.widget(f,v,**attr)
    return fn

form = SQLFORM.factory(Field('test','text',widget=textarea_factory

db.table.field.widget = textarea_factory(_cols=10)

On Nov 24, 9:00 pm, Gary <gary.k.ma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry, missed the posting two down titled 'Length'.
> That solved the problem, but is there a more eloquent way not using
> JQuery?
> On Nov 24, 9:44 pm, Gary <gary.k.ma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I expected the custom widget for strings to scale to the size of the
> > length specified in the ORM, but they all come out the same size - and
> > they're big.
> > Is there another place I should be entering something that helps me
> > with this?  I've constructed a custom form using CRUD and the field
> > names are {{=form.custom.widget.fieldname}}.
> > Thanks in advance,
> > Gary
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