On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 10:49 AM, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:

> Unfortunately this is a problem for web2py.com too. It is explained
> here

I think the more intersting question is "why / how did this get tagged as
malware?" - assuming it is malicious, without evidence of that (or lack of
evidence of some trigger mechanism) is at best bad engineering...

The stuff below doesn't "explain" anything - there are few / no facts, and
just conjecture / handwaving / brushing it off...

IF you are ok to use web2py for internal work (e.g. can ask your IT dept.
what triggered this, and how it happened without negative repercussions),
then find out how this stuff gets on the list.

If the answer is "someone reported it" - then ask to have it taken off (not
much more we can do);
If the answer is "on an automated list we use to block suspicious sites" -
then ask what the source of that list is; we can inquire and try to get this
off of broadcast security lists like this;
If the answer is "we have an automated tool that looks for patterns that
signal malware" - then find out what the tool / rev is; we probably need to
investigae / reproduce, and see if something simple in what is being sent
"over the wire" needs to be modified.

- Yarko

> http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/browse_thread/thread/861454b094104daf
> There are active campaigns to:
> - try classify web2py as spam so it gets blocked
> - attack the web2py site and post porn in the pages
> - force ban users by sending spoofed messages under their names
> This week the "web2py" google pagecount dropped from ~500000 to
> ~60000. It has happened before and then it jumps up again.
> If you have any idea about what to do, please let me know.
> Mind that this is all good. The fact that competition is doing this is
> normal and inevitable. It means they seriously see their market shares
> being threatened.
> Massimo
> On Nov 4, 10:36 am, rondevu <ranjeev...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Strangelyhttp://www.web2pyslices.com/has been categorised as malware
> > by my corporate fortigate firewall. Can't access it for now.
> >

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