limitby=(a,b) returns rows[i] for a <= i < b
On Nov 4, 3:30 am, Mengu <> wrote: > hi everyone. > > i have a problem with paginating my results. i guess i didn't > understand the logic in limitby. > > normally an sql query SELECT * FROM post LIMIT 2 OFFSET 0 displays the > first 2 results. And I can get the first 2 records with db > (>0).select(limitby(0,2)). so limit is 2 and offset is 0. > > however the problem is, this query fails: > db(>0).select(limitby(2,2)). in this query the limit is 2 > and the ofset is 2 either. however it doesn't return select * from > post limit 2 offset 2 but it returns select * from post limit 0 offset > 2 because in 2846 limit is lmax - lmin and offset is lmin. i > have edited that line as sql_o += ' LIMIT %i OFFSET %i' % (lmax, lmin) > and it is working as expected. now my pagination is working. > > here is my codes for pagination: > perpage = 2 > totalposts = db( > 0).count() > totalpages = totalposts / perpage > page = int( if else 1 > limit = int(page - 1) * perpage > posts = db( > 0).select(, limitby=(limit, > perpage)) > > please let me know if there's another page for doing this. > > sincerely > Mengu --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "web2py-users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---