The pain with the pingoworks autocomplete is that only complete words 
with a 'start-with' match, not a completed match, so you for example 
could find "New York" searching for 'New' but not searching for 'York', 
the same with surnames, etc.
One day I was searching such a kind of autocomplete for jquery and I 
couldnt find it...

Over all code I hardly understand this 3 lines, could you vaguely 
explain these...

|     inp = SQLFORM.widgets.string.widget(f,v, **attr)  ¿add to widgets form a 
widget string function?
     scr1 = SCRIPT("jQuery('#%s').autocomplete('%s');" % 
(inp['_id'],items_url),_type="text/javascript") ¿generate script substituting 
the form widget and the items?
     wrapper.components.extend([inp,scr1]) (i got lost here at all :D)

Thanks Mr.freeze,
Alex F

El 03/11/2009 23:06, mr.freeze escribió:
> I have a cheesy autocomplete widget here. It's no match for the
> facebook version but might help someone:
> On Nov 3, 11:24 am, Alex Fanjul<>  wrote:
>> I love this kind of widget!!! maybe your next challene would be the so
>> famous "facebook-autocomplete".
>> Nowdays in facebook there is also a new feature where you can appoint a
>> "friend" writting "@friend" as twitter did it, but with autocompleter...
>> By the way Mr. Freeze, I think we should talk with someone who proposed
>> and was working on a wrapper framework por jquery widgets...
>> I cant find the email.... She proposed us 3 options to choose for
>> implementation...
>> Alex F
>> El 03/11/2009 7:06, mr.freeze escribió:
>>> Nothing like a slice of web2py before bedtime :) I'm going widget
>>> crazy! Here's an in-place edit widget that presents your text as a
>>> SPAN until you double click then it changes into an input.
>>> On Nov 3, 12:01 am, mdipierro<>    wrote:
>>>> These slices taste excellent!
>>>> On Nov 2, 11:56 pm, "mr.freeze"<>    wrote:
>>>>> Thanks, I updated it to specify adding to the model or controller.
>>>>> On Nov 2, 11:33 pm, mdipierro<>    wrote:
>>>>>> Thank you Mr Freeze.
>>>>>> One comment. I do not think people should edit web2py_ajax.html.
>>>>>> response.files.append should go in plugin models or controller of the
>>>>>> plugin; or the<scrip...>    should go directly in the views.
>>>>>> Massimo
>>>>>> On Nov 2, 10:48 pm, "mr.freeze"<>    wrote:
>>>>>>> Here are two ready to use widgets that employ the jQueryUI slider and
>>>>>>> datepicker:
>>>>>>> slider -
>>>>>>> datepicker -
>>>>>>> Have fun!
>> --
>> Alejandro Fanjul Fdez.
> >

Alejandro Fanjul Fdez.

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