Hi everyone, i have to make a searcher, i have to put in my input a
letter like "a" and then i want to search this letter in all the
tables that are in the database. i made this code, but the problem i
have in the moment i have to show or capture the solution. Could you
please help me with this?

if not session.incidente: redirect(URL
import string;
def index():
    tabla=db.tables #The list of the name of the table
    if request.vars.boton:
        for i in tabla:
            exec('selected=[db.%s.fields]' % (i))  #The list of the
names of all the fields in the table
            for j in selected:
                for x in range (len(j)):
                    exec('datos=[m.id for m in db().select(db.%s.ALL)
                    if string.lower(str(request.vars.dato))\
                    in string.lower(str(m.%s))]' % (i, j[x])) #get the
ids of the fields in the table
                    exec('lista=db(db.%s.id.belongs(datos)).select()' %
[1]].label) for c in lista.colnames])
#Here is the problem, because it dont show the result.
    return dict(tabla = tabla, lista=lista, headers=headers)
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