But filter function is in use for remove items, isnt it? maybe im wrong

def filter(self,f):
>  >  >  >       if not self.response:
>  >  >  >           return None
>  >  >  >       rows = self.response
>  >  >  >       removed = []
>  >  >  >       for i in range(0,len(self)):
>  >  >  >           row = self[i]
>  >  >  >           if f(row):
>  >  >  >               removed.append(rows[i])
>  >  >  >               rows.remove(rows[i])
>  >  >  >       return Rows(self._db,removed,*self.colnames)

El 28/10/2009 16:15, mdipierro escribió:
> OK I just put the where function in trunk but renamed it filter (sorry
> for the confusion).
> On Oct 28, 10:11 am, Joe Barnhart<joe.barnh...@gmail.com>  wrote:
>> I know, that's what I'm saying.... the word "where" suggests it is an SQL
>> verb but it has nothing to do with SQL.  I was just thinking it might be
>> confusing to new users of w2p.
>> On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 6:32 AM, mr.freeze<nat...@freezable.com>  wrote:
>>> No, anything post 'select' is done after the db call, including first
>>> () and last().
>>> On Oct 28, 2:51 am, Joe  Barnhart<joe.barnh...@gmail.com>  wrote:
>>>> I love the functionality, but doesn't calling the function "where"
>>>> conjure up the SQL WHERE clause?  I might think it was doing something
>>>> with SELECT...WHERE in the underlying DB.
>>>> -- Joe B.
>>>> On Oct 27, 10:11 pm, "mr.freeze"<nat...@freezable.com>  wrote:
>>>>> Works! Would you be interested in these for sql.py Rows class?:
>>>>> def where(self,f):
>>>>>      if not self.response:
>>>>>          return None
>>>>>      rows = []
>>>>>      for i in range(0,len(self)):
>>>>>          row = self[i]
>>>>>          if f(row): rows.append(self.response[i])
>>>>>      return Rows(self._db,rows,*self.colnames)
>>>>> def filter(self,f):
>>>>>      if not self.response:
>>>>>          return None
>>>>>      rows = self.response
>>>>>      removed = []
>>>>>      for i in range(0,len(self)):
>>>>>          row = self[i]
>>>>>          if f(row):
>>>>>              removed.append(rows[i])
>>>>>              rows.remove(rows[i])
>>>>>      return Rows(self._db,removed,*self.colnames)
>>>>> Example:
>>>>> db.define_table('things',Field('category'))
>>>>> rows = db(db.things.id>0).select()
>>>>> tests = rows.where(lamdba row: row.category=="test") # returns matches
>>>>> rows.filter(lamdba row: row.category=="test")# removes and returns
>>>>> removed
>>>>> On Oct 27, 10:49 pm, mdipierro<mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu>  wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks. Just fixed in trunk!
>>>>>> On Oct 27, 10:35 pm, "mr.freeze"<nat...@freezable.com>  wrote:
>>>>>>> I get a syntax error when using this. I believe line 2926 of
>>>>>>> Rows.__getitem__ needs to be changed from:
>>>>>>> if i>= len(self.response) or i<  0:
>>>>>>> ...to...
>>>>>>> if i>= len(self.response):
>>>>>>> since Rows.last() returns self[-1]
> >

Alejandro Fanjul Fdez.

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