> Why? I think you have in mind a special type of plugin. I have in mind
> a more general one. What about a plugin that only contains a static
> file, for example an image of a js library?

I don't see any way from the video to use a plugin without modifying
it, which makes it inherently unpluggable.  In the video you are using
instances of db and crud in the comments pugin that may or may not
exist for all users. If the plugin system was initialized with these
then it would be generic for all plugins.

On Oct 24, 1:05 pm, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> On Oct 24, 12:34 pm, "mr.freeze" <nat...@freezable.com> wrote:
> > Yes, that is another good example.  I think all of the problems with
> > the sub-app approach are very solvable:
> > 1) Portability and separation:
> > There needs to be a Plugin class that is instantiated like Auth with
> > database, globals, etc. It should be separated completely from LOAD.
> > This will let the user determine which database the plugin system will
> > use.
> > plugin = Plugin(db,globals())
> Why? I think you have in mind a special type of plugin. I have in mind
> a more general one. What about a plugin that only contains a static
> file, for example an image of a js library?
> > 2) Order of execution:
> > Plugins are not executed until they are called. Once a plugin is
> > called, it's models are executed in the same order that web2py
> > executes app models
> Why limit to this case. If the models are to be executed ONLY when the
> plugin is called, define the model on top of the controller. Mind that
> by doing this you will not be able to access tables defined by the
> plugin from appadmin.
> > 3) Plugin URL when in subfolder:
> > Plugins could be exposed in a similar fashion to Auth and Service
> > through an app controller. There would be a controller function that
> > serves plugins using request args. You could also call a load function
> > explicitly to render a plugin in a view.
> > def plugins:
> >     return plugin()
> > Plugin: appname/plugins/p3/controllers/default.py
> > URL:http://localhost:8000/appname/default/plugins/p3/default/
> > Or manually passing your own args
> > {{=plugin.load("comments",f="index",ajax_trap=True)}}
> > Basically, do it just like things are done in tools.py. Thoughts?
> What you have in mind is not a plugin but a module, like gluon.tools
> is a module. With my proposals you can have plugins that contain only
> modules and they will work as you say. You will be able to create
> plugins that work the way you say, I just do not believe all types of
> plugins I have in mind fit in this scheme (layout plugins for
> example).
> Massimo
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