Hi Chris,

thanks for your message.

I already bought the book few days ago and I am reading it to get more
into web2py.

I already had a look at the examples and they helped me in some point
but I think that more easy examples can help more users.
I think it is a really good thing that the appliances are with source
code but they are very complex and with small knowledge in python and
the web2py framework it is very hard to understand what the code is
doing and why.
Sometimes it is just a little frustrating that my personal knowledge
is so small and I don't understand how stuff works. :-)
Thanks anyways

On 24 Okt., 17:37, CJSteel <chris.st...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Sebastien,
> A ton of examples are around, although I know when I was first
> checking out web2py it was a bit difficult to "find" them. Web2py
> ships with some good ones but it takes some time to figure out which
> parts go with which examples.
> You can also find some basic examples of functionality here 
> ->http://www.web2py.com/examples/default/examples
> If you are looking for more complete applications try googling "web2py
> appliances" or visithttp://www.web2py.com/applianceswhere you will
> find complete applications that you can install and checkout.
> At this point in time the "ultimate" resource is the web2py book
> (second edition) on Lulu @ $12.00 US last time I checked.
> Once you get oriented you probably want to take a peek at the T3 and
> web2py-wiki projects. T3 gives you an idea of what is possible with
> web2py and web2py-wiki is perhaps a less experimental example of a
> working application / appliance. Both are full of working examples of
> interesting ways in which one can leverage the framework and both can
> be run on GAE.
> Cheers,
> Chris
> On Oct 24, 10:56 am, Sebastian Brandt <snoogi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello everyone,
> > as I have been playing around with web2py a few days now I made was
> > always looking for example code / tutorials that could teach me
> > web2py.
> > As the community around web2py is not that big (also I really admire
> > and dig especially Massimo and everyone else for answering every
> > question here) I was wondering if there is a dedicated place for
> > collecting sample code snippets that shortly explain and show what
> > that code is doing (besides from what is already at web2py.com) that
> > everyone can contribute to?
> > If not, would anyone like to code something like that? ;-)
> > Greetings,
> > Sebastian Brandt
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