well after some investigation I would say:

- python has no cross platform module to lock files
- on unix like systems there are no problems because of the fcntl
native python module
- web2py uses the classic portalocker, a cross platform module to
control file locking in a posix environment
- portalocker works on windows only by Mark Hammond's python

So my conclusion is:

if you install web2py on windows, I would say any Windows family os,
and you need file locking (of course you do), you have to install
win32 extensions.

The reason why I ovelooked this thing in the past is that you often
have win32 extensions installed though you are not aware of it.

Massimo or other experts here can comment on my conclusion?


On 23 Ott, 00:50, stefaan <stefaan.hi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > do you mind posting again what kind of error you get?
> Sorry I see now that there's room for confusion.
> I was talking about the lack of file locking message:
> WARNING:root:no file locking
> Best regards,
> Stefaan.
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