I think this is important in deed, overall for design and user 
experience purposes...
thanks for remind it,
Alex F

El 21/10/2009 8:30, mr.freeze escribió:
> Not very important but there is now DIV.elements to grab elements by
> tag or attribute:
> text = form.elements("input",_type="text")
> for t in text:
>      t['_size']="50"
> ...you can grab by multiple tags or attributes...
> On Oct 21, 12:14 am, mdipierro<mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu>  wrote:
>> Not written yet. Sorry. Except for
>> New hindi and spanish translation
>> ingres support (thanks Chris)
>> cached uploads allow for progress bars (thanks AndCycle)
>> legacy database support for db2, mssql with non-int primary keys
>> (thanks Denes)
>> the other things are mostly internal rewrites. I believe there are
>> threads for the last two issues.
>> Hope I am not forgetting something important.
>> Massimo
>> On Oct 21, 12:07 am, weheh<richard_gor...@verizon.net>  wrote:
>>> The best keeps getting better! Where can we find doc on new
>>> capabilities?
>>> On Oct 20, 1:56 pm, mdipierro<mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu>  wrote:
>>>> Please try it!
>>>> 1.68.1
>>>> New cron
>>>> New hindi and spanish translation
>>>> cached uploads allow for progress bars (thanks AndCycle)
>>>> ingres support (thanks Chris)
>>>> legacy database support for db2, mssql with non-int primary keys
>>>> (thanks Denes)
>>>> default setting of content-type (this may cause strange behavior in
>>>> old apps when downloading images)
>>>> IS_UPPER and IS_LOWER works with unicode
>>>> CLENUP not takes regex of allowed/now allowed chartares
>>>> New rewrite.py allows dynamic routes
>>>> Better error messages for IS_INT_* and IS_FLOAT_*
>>>> Massimo
> >

Alejandro Fanjul Fdez.

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