I like how the plugin system is shaping up but have one question about
the folder structure. It seems more manageable to structure it like

-- my app
---- models
---- views
---- controllers
---- plugins
------ myplugin
-------- models
-------- views
-------- controllers

This way a plugin would basically be a sub-app, making it easier to
install/uninstall/upgrade and could also have multiple models/views/
controllers.  I remember some discussion about it but can't remember
what the reasons against it were.

On Oct 21, 10:18 am, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> The new web2py in trunk (1.68.2) also contains an improved
> experimental solution for plugins.
> Here is a new video about it
> http://www.vimeo.com/7182692
> It includes suggestions from various people but I am sure it still
> needs a lot of work. Anyway, give it a try and let us know what else
> would you expect from a plugin system.
> The interface for uploading/downloading plugins is missing, among
> other things.
> Massimo
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