Yes, that's me.  I'm on the list in digest mode.  So I don't catch
every conversation.

I did contribute this Python parser to Codemirror a while ago.  It is
ok for most things.  I haven't brought it up because I'm still trying
to work through some annoyances.  Maybe this is my perfectionism
speaking.  After all, Skulpt is already using it.

I don't like how it handles indentation (note the section on strict
errors).  It should not error there but I made it error to work around
an implementation difficulty.  Also it barely handles context like the
CodeMirror Javascript parser does fully.  I've began redoing the
parser properly but I always hit an infinite loop that I can't find.
So I've kinda given up on it for now.  Every few weeks I take another
look at it and get frustrated by that same stinking infinite loop.

Aside from that...I have used Codemirror Python to edit quite a few
Python files and it doesn't suffer from the ghosting and other
weirdness that EditArea has.  I do miss code folding that I have in a
native editor, but one thing at a time.  Is Amy Editor still massively
slow?  Does it lose highlighting sync like EditArea?  I haven't used
it much.

I've kinda been holding out for Bespin.  So far Bespin is supposed to
migrate to a style of syntax highlighter that codemirror uses, but I'm
not sure if that ever happened.  If they want it to be successful, it
will be a necessity in my eyes.

If you want to put it in the admin, I have no problems.  It might be
good to get some more eyes on it since I don't know how widely it is


On Oct 16, 8:41 am, mdipierro <> wrote:
> I did not know about this project and I think the author  is the same
> Tim as this list. Tim, are you?
> Unfortunately, it does not work well for me (Firefox on Mac).
> Massimo
> On Oct 16, 6:22 am, Vasile Ermicioi <> wrote:
> > EditArea that is used is very annoying ... Often in copy paste operations I
> > am getting unexpected results in the editor.I would propose to switch to
> > CodeMirror
> > On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 1:26 PM, Benigno <> wrote:
> > > LoL, didnt know this project, it was a good laugh to use Vi right on
> > > the screen...
> > > I love and use Vim all the time, but my personal opinion is that not
> > > so many people would be delighted with the idea to start with, but
> > > whats more important, the people that use Vim, ussually just skip
> > > straight away using the editor in web2py and access the files from
> > > their own vim, with their own vimrc and plugins setup to their liking,
> > > and at the least of cases use "It's all text" or something similar to
> > > edit things in their favourite editor.
> > > Don't get me wrong, I'd love to have it there, its just that if I have
> > > to choose between someone putting their effort on this or putting it
> > > on.... say T4, I am dead on T4.
> > > On Oct 16, 5:34 am, Richard <> wrote:
> > > > Might be a nice extension for the admin editor:
> > >
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