No objection.  IMHO, even my app might be affected due to css/jquery
issue, but it is acceptable, because the modification is easy, and
more importantly the new TH makes my app easier to use css/jquery to
customize the table header.

On Oct14, 8:39pm, mdipierro <> wrote:
> This may be seen as breaking backward compatibility for people using
> CSS/jQuery but it would just affect estethic not functionality. I
> would be in favor but I'd like to hear if anybody opposes.
> Massimo
> On Oct 13, 10:18 pm, hywang <> wrote:
> > when sqlform is rendered as a table, the label of a field is wrapped
> > by "td" (line 626 in, in fact, it is much more convenient
> > for web designer if it is wrapped by 'th'.
> > so, i suggest changing line 626 in into
> > tr = self.trows[fieldname] = TR(TH(label), inp, comment, _id=row_id)
> > from
> > tr = self.trows[fieldname] = TR(label, inp, comment, _id=row_id)
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