The form fails in any attempt to add new record. :-(

The form.accepts always fails because the method isn't able to find
the values from the required fields, even they being filled out and to
be in the request.vars properly.

I notice that it happens because the "ID" and "NAME" attributes
created by SQLFORM had different values. For instance:
<input class="string" id="product_name" name="name" type="text"
value="" />

If I create a form manually with the same value for "ID" and "NAME"
attributes, the validation works properly and the record is saved.

Below is what I'm trying to do in a controller (leaving aside the
module and the view):

def create_popup():
    script_submit = SCRIPT("""
            return false;
    """ % {"form":"form_test",
            "list_fields":"','".join([field for field in
                                    if db.product[field].writable
                                    and db.product[field].readable
                                    and (field != "id") ])}

    form = SQLFORM(db.product, _enctype=None, _id=form_name,
_action=None, _method=None)
    return dict(form=form,script_submit=script_submit)

def validate_popup():
    form = SQLFORM(db.product)
    if form.accepts(request.vars,formname="form_test"):
        return DIV("Product successfully registered!")
    elif form.errors:
        return TABLE(*[TR(k, v) for k, v in form.errors.items()])



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