> I plan to start adding some of the groups questions on the wiki when the
> wiki is ready.  -Thadeus

Nice idea because this list is becoming increasingly busy and it's
difficult looking for those 'gold nuggets' that you know you've seen
but can't find again!  Some of the posts just seem so useful but then
easily get 'buried',  mainly perhaps because GGroups doesn't search
properly any more.  I guess we could and should be making more use of
the 'stars' feature though.

However,  a well-organised wiki should be best,  providing there's
fairly strict editor(s) to keep it tidy and categorised.  Unmanaged
wikis can easily descend into chaos.  Personally I like the CakePhp
online 'book';  so maybe the index from the Web2py book could be a
starting point to give the wiki some form.  The best comments can then
be more easily assimilated by Massimo into the next edition.

The online Php manual has some great user-contributed comments too,  I
used to find all sorts of useful but unexpected solutions in there --
but that's Php for you!
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