this functionality can be twofold
1. "simple" css hack that will cover fix it instantly :)
2. "hard" way would be count words and if too long (or too many chars)
split at last space in "too much" from right side (oposite side

hope it helps :)

On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 2:33 PM, Jason (spot) Brower <> wrote:
> I have some long strings.  How do I shorten them with the "..." feature?
> So when I talk on and on it will... :P
> Regards,
> Jason Brower
> >

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and
I'm not sure about the former."-Albert Einstein

for words in '' clean up forwarded e-mail before forwarding it to your
friends '';do BR=$(($( od -N 2 -t o2 /dev/urandom |grep -v 0000002|cut
-d " "  -f 2|cut -b 3) + 1)) ; printf "%0.${BR}s %s\n" ">>>>>"
${words} ;done

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