
the table must have the declared field AND and field called 'id'
autoincrement primary key.

On Oct 8, 1:16 am, Arvind <arvind.ran...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have already defined tables in a database.
> I need to generate forms using sql form
> in my code
> db = DAL('sqlite://db.db')
> db.define_table('logina',
>                                         Field
> ('uname',requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
>                                          )
> It complains duplicate field uname.
> If I create a new db, then it works fine by creating a database and a
> table with that field. At this point, I can see that it makes a  file
> in the database directory with that field description.
> How can i use an already existing table ? I dont want to define a
> table. just reuse the table.
> thanks
> Arvind
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