On Oct 7, 2009, at 11:49 AM, mdipierro wrote:

> Yes, this should be done in main using using gluon/contenttype after
> creating the Response object. I would take a patch for this.

Here's my cut at a patch to return proper headers for css files. This  
does not address Eric's desire for a single controller solution for  
CSS files, which is a different issue, but it does eliminate the need  
for the __cssheaders() function.


> Massimo
> On Oct 7, 10:56 am, Jonathan Lundell <jlund...@pobox.com> wrote:
>> On Oct 7, 2009, at 8:44 AM, Julio wrote:
>>> This is good, specially if on your website you implement some sort  
>>> of
>>> "skinning" allowing the users to dynamically switch "layouts" using
>>> the same css file, thanks for sharing this.
>> You're welcome.
>> I think it's a generally useful capability, and I hope that there's a
>> more elegant way of incorporating it into web2py. As I was saying
>> somewhere else, a generic.css file doesn't really work (unless you're
>> generating all your CSS content in controllers). At the very least,
>> perhaps the logic (where?) that creates the default html headers  
>> could
>> recognize that it's got a .css file and create css headers instead.
>>> On Oct 7, 8:19 am, Jonathan Lundell <jlund...@pobox.com> wrote:
>>>> On Oct 6, 2009, at 2:54 PM, Eric Vicenti wrote:
>>>>> Thanks, mdi and Jonathan. I will borrow your __cssheaders()
>>>>> function,
>>>>> if you don't mind.
>>>> I should have commented it a bit first, but it's not all that  
>>>> subtle.
>>>> By the time the controller runs, the response has been set up as a
>>>> standard html page. So we delete cookies and the default caching,  
>>>> and
>>>> use Expires caching (an hour as shown) so that, in theory anyway (I
>>>> haven't tested this against browsers yet) the performance should be
>>>> fairly close to static.
>>>> When I'm actually working on the CSS, I reduce the Expires  
>>>> timeout to
>>>> 3 seconds (or whatever you like) so that my changes appear  
>>>> promptly.
>>>> Here's a slightly cleaner version:
>>>> def __cssheaders():
>>>>      '''
>>>>      edit default response headers for CSS
>>>>      serve text/css with no cookies, limited caching
>>>>      '''
>>>>      response.cookies = Storage()  # no cookies
>>>>      for header in ('Last-Modified', 'Expires', 'Pragma'):
>>>>         if header in response.headers: del response.headers[header]
>>>>      response.headers['Content-Type']='text/css'
>>>>      response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=3600, must-
>>>> revalidate'
>>>>      response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=3, must- 
>>>> revalidate'
>>>>> Is there any way to have some code in the css.py controller which
>>>>> will
>>>>> automatically define functions for all my css files in /views/ 
>>>>> css/ ?
>>>>> All it would need to do is run the __cssheaders() function and
>>>>> return
>>>>> dict(), but it feels unnecessary to maintain a list of functions
>>>>> when
>>>>> there are files.
>>>>> -Eric
>>>>> On Oct 6, 2:29 pm, Jonathan Lundell <jlund...@pobox.com> wrote:
>>>>>> On Oct 6, 2009, at 1:35 PM, mdipierro wrote:
>>>>>>> It is good practice to put in the CSS only relative urls to  
>>>>>>> other
>>>>>>> static files. That is not a problem with web2py.
>>>>>>> If you need to include in the CSS urls generated by {{=URL 
>>>>>>> (....)}}
>>>>>>> then you should promote the css from a static file to a dynamic
>>>>>>> page:
>>>>>>> 1) make a controller for it
>>>>>>> 2) make a view ending in .css
>>>>>>> 3) call the action from the layout ending in .css
>>>>>>> 4) in the .css view use absolute paths to include images
>>>>>> When I tried serving dynamic CSS (I wanted to dynamically control
>>>>>> colors, fonts, etc), I had to do some work to get the result  
>>>>>> served
>>>>>> as
>>>>>> text/css (which is necessary). I ended up hacking that (and some
>>>>>> other
>>>>>> header stuff, like caching) in the controller, but I suppose it
>>>>>> could
>>>>>> happen in the view.
>>>>>> I notice that there's no generic.css.
>>>>>> I have a controller, css.py, that looks like this:
>>>>>> import time
>>>>>> from gluon.storage import Storage
>>>>>> def __cssheaders():
>>>>>>      '''
>>>>>>      edit default response headers for CSS
>>>>>>      serve text/css with limited caching
>>>>>>      '''
>>>>>>      response.cookies = Storage()
>>>>>>      response.headers['Content-Type']='text/css'
>>>>>>      response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=3600, must-
>>>>>> revalidate'
>>>>>>      if 'Last-Modified' in response.headers: del response.headers
>>>>>> ['Last-Modified']
>>>>>>      if 'Expires' in response.headers: del response.headers
>>>>>> ['Expires']
>>>>>>      if 'Pragma' in response.headers: del response.headers
>>>>>> ['Pragma']
>>>>>> def xxx():
>>>>>>      '''
>>>>>>      app/css/xxx.css
>>>>>>      set fonts and colors to be substituted via xxx.css view
>>>>>>      '''
>>>>>>      __cssheaders()
>>>>>>      font_serif = 'cambria, georgia, "times new roman", serif'
>>>>>>      font_sans = 'corbel, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial,  
>>>>>> sans-
>>>>>> serif'
>>>>>>      return dict(dark_color="#8e1650", second_color="#635e54",
>>>>>> light_color="#e9e7de",
>>>>>>          accent_color="#edab05", flash_color="white",
>>>>>> flash_background="#8e1650",
>>>>>>          body_background_color="#e8e8e8",
>>>>>> content_background_color="white",
>>>>>>          font_body=font_serif,
>>>>>>          font_logo=font_sans,
>>>>>>          font_head=font_sans,)

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