Thank you Alvaro.
I fully endorse this. This is a much needed move.
It will kill to birds with one stone: will make a better wiki app and
better documentation.


On Oct 7, 10:15 am, Álvaro Justen [Turicas] <>
> Hi folks,
> I'm posting this to show you that we have a "new" wiki system.
> Last weekend I changed some things in wiki app, like:
> - Now we have real page names, like
> - Some layout changes
> - Simplification of some forms
> - Included views that weren't there
> - Fixed some bugs
> And with Massimo's help we migrated it to my server - and so now I
> have more flexibility to update the app.
> Please use:
> (instead of it actually will redirect to
> former URL)
> All "active" pages that have links in the old way
> (/wiki/default/page/an_ugly_uuid) were changed to new way.
> All users are still in the database, none was changed in users' table.
> Future plans:
> - Move AlterEgo pages to wiki and create a "FAQ" page in wiki with a
> list - please don't do it manually, I'll do a script to do this job
> (probably next weekend);
> - Add more wiki features that we don't have today;
> - Better usability;
> - Move to BitBucket.
> If you want to contribute or use this wiki in your site, just check
> out the code in:
> If you have feature requests, bug reports or other issues related to
> this app (like usability, hosting etc.) please let me know.
> Let's create the better documentation project of a web framework!
> Let's write about web2py! :-)
> Thanks,
> --
>  Álvaro Justen
>  Peta5 - Telecomunicações e Software Livre
>  21 3021-6001 / 9898-0141
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