Hi Everyone, Hi Massimo,

I was having fun time working with web2py and setting up multiple file
upload in one form using
    jquery.MultiFile.js  from 
when I encountered the following problem:

When multiple files are uploaded in one form, they are send as a list
of files.
Such a list is captured properly by CherryPy, then,
web2py loses information about these files while parsing variables to
because it parses all lists trying to access its elements' .value

I wasn't able to make it work properly until applying the following
patch to gluon/main.py:

diff -u --exclude='*pyc' web2py/gluon/main.py gluon/main.py
--- web2py/gluon/main.py        2009-08-17 15:21:17.000000000 +0200
+++ gluon/main.py       2009-08-21 17:09:58.000000000 +0200
@@ -346,7 +346,11 @@
                 for key in keys:
                     dpk = dpost[key]
                     if isinstance(dpk, list):
-                        value = [x.value for x in dpk]
+                        #import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
+                        if not dpk[0].filename:
+                            value = [x.value for x in dpk]
+                        else:
+                            value = [x for x in dpk]
                     elif not dpk.filename:
                         value = dpk.value

Should this patch be applied to the main tree, or maybe I'm missing
some other problems here?

Maciek Sykulski

PS: If someone's interested I've coded classes:
class MultiCrud(Crud):
ready to use with jquery.MultiFile.js that handle uploading multiple
files to a database in a single form submission.

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