
requires=[IS_NOT_EMPTY('Please insert a country name'),
IS_UPPER(), IS_NOT_IN_DB(db,'Country.nCountry','This country is
already in the database')],

should already do what you asked as long as you do not have already
data in the DB.

You can add one more validator instead
IS_MATCH('[a-zA-Z]+',error_message='Only charaters allowed')

What about Cote' d'Ivoire?

On Oct 1, 4:11 pm, Sophie <> wrote:
> Hi there my problem is when i validate my input, i have this code in
> the model
> db.define_table("Country",
>     Field("nCountry", "string", default=None, label="Name",
> notnull=True, requires=[IS_NOT_EMPTY('Please insert a country name'),
> IS_UPPER(), IS_NOT_IN_DB(db,'Country.nCountry','This country is
> already in the database')], ondelete='CASCADE'))
> So when i start inserting data i have duplicate data like this:
> Brazil, BRazil, BRAzil, braZil.
> This is the same country, but is written in different ways. There is a
> way to validate this?
> The other problem i have is that i can insert Br4zil, but i want it to
> receive only alphabetical inputs.
> Well thats all thanks a lot.
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