II can help you translate this example but can you explain in words
what id does? I am not 100% sure.
> public void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request,
> HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException,
> ServletException
> {
> String resource= "";
> String param = request.getParameter("param");
> if (param == null)
> {
> ProviderDAOImpl prov = new ProviderDAOImpl();
> Collection c = prov.showProvider();
> HttpSession sesion = request.getSession();
> sesion.setAttribute("provider", c);
> recurso = "/Registro.jsp";
> } else {
> if (param.equals("submit")) {
> String puppy =
> request.getParameter("txtPuppy");
> StoreBean ab = new StoreBean();
> ab.setNPuppy(Integer.parseInt(puppy));
> RegStoreDAOImpl reg = new RegStoreDAOImpl();
> reg.submit(ab);
> recurso = "/Registro.jsp";
> }
> }
> response.sendRedirect(response.encodeURL("/BDFWeb" +
> recurso));
> }
> then in the controller i have the DAOImpl
> public void submit(StoreBean ab) {
> Connection con = null;
> CallableStatement csmt = null;
> String SQL = "{ call uspIngresoSacos(?,?,?,?) }";
> con = conectar("jdbc/Store");
> try {
> csmt = con.prepareCall(SQL);
> csmt.setInt(2, ab.getNPuppy());
> csmt.execute();
> } catch (SQLException e) {
> e.printStackTrace();
> } finally {
> freeStatement(csmt);
> freeConnection(con);
> }
> }
> well this calls the DAO and the Datasource with songleton pattern
> The next is the model: that have the getters and setters.
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