Found my mistake. I put the lines after form = SQLFORM(..) instead of
before. However, this method still leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
Since every request is also sending a table redifinition, this seems
like un-needed overhead. This also has the problem of what if the
given database does not allow the tables to be redefined, and only
allows submissions. This is a future possibilty I want to account for.
Am I correct that this solution would no longer work? Is there any
other possile method to make the field of an sqlform be unchangable
(at least visibly) and also be pre-filled?

On Sep 17, 1:08 am, Iceberg <> wrote:
> I tried the lines in my previous post and they worked. Perhaps you'd
> like to provide minimal code to reproduce your problem.
> When talking about the redefining, yes, it is an unusual way and
> somewhat hard to be understood at the beginning, but it is how web2py
> does things. Just be aware that your model definition are indeed
> recalculated in each web request (yet still fast enough). Same applies
> to your controller, so you can even have two different functions in
> your controller, each defines different default value, different
> readable or writable combinations, etc. When you get used to it, you
> find a brand new world. :-)
> Iceberg
> On Sep17, 2:18pm,AlastairMedford <> wrote:
> > No dice. Neither of the two lines had any effect (this is with them in
> > the controller). The field was blank and was still writable. Also, if
> > this approach worked, or if I changed the default value in the model,
> > wouldn't this be redefining the table definition every time the form
> > is brought up? If so, this doesn't seem like a desirable approach.
> > Would this be the case?
> > On Sep 16, 11:33 pm, Iceberg <> wrote:
> > > Try:
> > > db.table.time.default=getCurrentTime()
> > > db.table.time.writable=False
> > > form = SQLFORM(db.table)
> > > if form.accepts(...)
> > > On Sep17, 12:33pm,AlastairMedford <> wrote:
> > > > What I'm trying to do is preset the value of a non writable field in a
> > > > form, such as a time field. Something to the effect of:
> > > > form = SQLFORM(db.table)
> > > > form.vars.time = getCurrentTime() #this field is set to writable false
> > > > if form.accepts(...):
> > > >     ...
> > > > The desired rendering would be that the field cannot be edited, but
> > > > displays the current time, and will be entered into the database once
> > > > the form submits. But I've noticed that web2py ignores the .vars
> > > > setting and instead puts in the database given default value. I'm not
> > > > sure if this was always the case, as I seem to remember having this
> > > > work as expected before. Is there any way to get my desired rendering?
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