For example:

# this works:
def create_image():
 if form.accepts(request.vars, session,
                      onvalidation = assign_estate_id(form)):

# this does not work until the "delete_image" method redirects to the
"create_image" method:
   if form.accepts(request.vars, session,
                      onvalidation = assign_estate_id):

def delete_image():
    if db(
        session.flash = T('The image was successfully deleted.')

    redirect(URL(r=request, f='create_image'))

I know that this is not the case with relational databases, but I am
using GAE for this application.

On Sep 16, 4:05 pm, mdipierro <> wrote:
> Can you show an example of what you mean? I do not think what you say
> is the case.
> On Sep 16, 5:22 am, Vidul Petrov <> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > There is a problem with "onvalidation" - it works only after redirect
> > unless the form object is explicitly given:
> > onvalidation = assign_some_value_to_a_var(form)
> > Is this a bug or the new behavior of "onvalidation"?
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