oh great! thanks!

On Sep 14, 5:19 pm, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> Appadmin (the database administration) works on GAE.
> admin (the web based IDE) works on shared hosts (if they provide
> HTTPS) but not on GAE (because GAE has a read only file system). You
> can tweak the app.yaml and applications/admin/models/access.py and
> make admin readonly.
> On Sep 14, 6:39 am, Jon Romero <darks...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I am creating a VERY simple controller, that mimics the functionality
> > of the admin app,
> > so it is possible to have simple administration available in GAE and
> > in shared hosting accounts.
> > Is there something already available (that I couldn't find) or I am
> > reinventing the wheel?
> > If there is nothing available, is it possible to make it like a module
> > (or something like Auth)?
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