when i found web2py, the examples at http://web2py.com/examples/default/examples
was a very good introduction for me. as part of my relearning process,
i went thru the examples, running web2py(ver.1.67.0). mostly ran
perfectly :-)

some typos and memos are listed below.

Example 3
hello3.xml worked.
hello3.json, hello3.rss raise exception.

Example 5
it still works without .xml()

Example 10
These tickets and logs can be accessed, reviewed and deleted and any
later time.
These tickets and logs can be accessed, reviewed and deleted at any
time later.

Example 22
<h1>text is scaped</h1>
<h1>text is escaped</h1>

Example 26
{{extend 'layout_examples/layout_sleek.html'}}
{{extend 'layout_examples/layout_slick.html'}}

Example 28
the "value=" attribute sets
The "value=" attribute sets

Example 29

Example 30
### if form correct perform the insert
### if form is correct, perform the insert

Example 44
When called it send
When called, it sends

a url, a list of ids and a target it
a url, a list of ids and a target id

Example 48
to test the code, couldn't figure out where to put a movie file.

Example 49
serice = service(globals()) -> service = Service(globals())

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