Nice work. I think we should use it.

On Sep 14, 6:07 am, Álvaro Justen [Turicas] <>
> Hi all,
> I was in PythonBrasil5[1] last days and had a talk about web2py. So
> I've created an app to use Twitter Search API and get all tweets that
> have "#PythonBrasil". I've used this app to show web2py to users -
> yes, I know, this is not the perfect example for a web2py presentation
> (don't have references, validators etc.).
> Now I'm going to Dev in Rio[2] and did some modifications so this app
> can now handle more than one search item (#PythonBrasil and
> #DevInRio).
> It is very simple but I think it is good to put in some large
> monitor/projector to people that are in some event/conference see what
> is happening (in other rooms, read other users' opinions etc.) and to
> estimulate users to talk about and spread the conference using
> Twitter.
> For now I don't allow users to change queries (for example, to add
> #blablabla) because Twitter can blocks access from my server's IP (it
> has a limit of requests per hour).
> web2itter's code is hosted in 
> BitBucket:
> I have a copy installed 
> in:
> Massimo, what do you think in use it at PyCon 2010? ;-)
> [1]
> [2]
> --
>  Álvaro Justen
>  Peta5 - Telecomunicações e Software Livre
>  21 3021-6001 / 9898-0141
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