Ah never mind. I forgot to enable the source analyzer, so you still
have to import the data.

On Sep 10, 7:55 pm, Bottiger <bottig...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I starting to use PyDev now that the extensions are now free. I
> remembered some of you had problems with the autocomplete because of
> the Web2Py globals. Here is a solution.
> When you add a Python Interpreter, go into forced globals. Click new.
> Copy and paste the following:
> http://imgur.com/SnRwh.png
> I think this is one good solution.
> Another possibility is to create a file that imports all of those
> globals, and then at the top of your web2py files, you would import
> that file.This solution would let you see docstrings and other details
> but may be more inconvenient. I'll let one of you implement that.
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