
I've found some weird behavior of web2py script. After few hours from
script start it throw error:
OSError: [Errno 24] Too many open files

Indeed, there is many attached files:
lsof -p 13149

python2.5 13149 www-data   24u   REG   202,0       0    2702 /tmp/
tmpkvWcld (deleted)
python2.5 13149 www-data   36u   REG   202,0       0    2708 /tmp/
tmpL9F9BA (deleted)
python2.5 13149 www-data   30u   REG   202,0       0    2659 /tmp/
tmpLNUWac (deleted)

It seems, that temp file generated in wsgibase function isn't closed
Here is fix. Works for me...

------- CUT ---------
+++ /src/web2py/gluon/main.py   Thu Sep 10 18:18:43 2009
@@ -464,7 +464,9 @@
         return HTTP(http_error_status, error_message_ticket
                      % dict(ticket=ticket), web2py_error='ticket %s'
                      % ticket).to(responder)
+    finally:
+        if request.body:
+            request.body.close()

 (wsgibase, html.URL) = rewrite(wsgibase, html.URL)

------- CUT ---------

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