Hello there,

On building my first web2py app, I bumped into a problem, perhaps you 
can help?

I have the following DB:

      db.Field("name", length=100, notnull=True),
      db.Field("type", requires=IS_IN_SET(("Master","Doctorate"))),
      db.Field("entry_date", "date"),
      db.Field("deposit_date", "date", notnull=False),
      db.Field("defense_date", "date", notnull=False)

      db.Field("category", "string"),
      db.Field("deliver_date", "date", required=False),
      db.Field("devolution_date", "date", required=False),
      db.Field("student_id", db.student)


What I want is to have view where I can display student information, 
while, at the same time, show deliveries related to him and have a 
create form to add new deliveries, with student_id pre-selected to his id

I am using the T3 wiki, so I tried adding the following to a page:


If I pass the student id to request.args[0], the read form works 
allright, but the create form does not set its student_id to the id that 
came from the request.

Is there a way to pass this student_id to the form "initial data" to 
accomplish that? Or the only way is writing a new widget?

Julio Monteiro

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