   I am considering making a web app using GAE. In my previous tries
on simplified models using web2py I have misserably failed, and got
timeouts again and again from google.

  So I have started reading again as many sources as I could about the
datastore, scalability and what works or what doesn't work with GAE.

  Now, I have come to the conclussion that with the kind of use that I
need to do of the datastore, I have to optimise it as much as
possible, and for that I will probably needing to access keys
directly, parents and descendants, polymodels, and lists of keys. And
of course rethinking the way I had thought my DB to be (which was
relationally minded all through).

   The problem now for me, is trying to decide what to do. I very much
would like to use web2py. So how do I do it in a way that I can use
all this?. Looking at other frameworks like Django, I very much like
their app-engine-patch approach in that basically it tells you to use
the google.db and not Djangos models. In my mind it makes sense as it
allows the programmer to optimize as much as he wants for scalability,
and after all, thats one of the main reasons behind choosing GAE.

   So, with the focus of scalability and optimizing in mind, how do
you reckon I should be using web2py with GAE ?. Can I simply use
google's db datastore models on my db.py and just forget about
web2py's models related functionality? (admin, SQLForms?) is there
something big I would be missing by doing so?. Or is there any other
recommended method I could use ?.

Thanks for your input,
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